Audio Products Camcorder Cassette recorder CD player Clock radio Spacemaker radio Spacemaker TV Television Video Camera Telephone and Telephone accessories (prior to 2011). GE: 7-4217A: Clock Radio: Service Manual: G3: G-E74217A-SM: 8 total pages consisting of (2) double-side printed 11in x 17in pages, with no additional covers or binding. Overall quality is Very Good to Excellent. GE: 7-4217B: Clock Radio: Service Manual: G3: G-E74217B-SM. Need a owners manual for a GE clock radio model.7. GE Radio A Series: A1255. How to shut alarm off of GE model NO.7-4853c. GE Radio NO.7-4853c. GE Clock Radio Manuals. Please help find the manual for this General Electric Handheld TV. Please help find the manual for this General Electric Handheld TV.
Ge Clock Radio Manual 7-4894a
ID = 41945
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{kb: '199 KB', title: 'General Electric Co. 515F (3)', ite: '3'}{kb: '313 KB', title: 'General Electric Co. 515F (3)', ite: '3'}{kb: '443 KB', title: 'General Electric Co. 515F (3)', ite: '3'}{kb: '441 KB', title: 'General Electric Co. 515F (3)', ite: '3'}{kb: '313 KB', title: 'General Electric Co. 515F (3)', ite: '3'}{kb: '121 KB', title: 'General Electric Co. 515F (3)', ite: '3'}{kb: '99 KB', title: 'General Electric Co. 515F (3)', ite: '3'}{kb: '90 KB', title: 'General Electric Co. 515F (3)', ite: '3'}{kb: '121 KB', title: 'General Electric Co. 515F (3)', ite: '3'}{kb: '233 KB', title: 'General Electric Co. 515F (3)', ite: '3'}
{gbW: '1400', gbH: '976', mW: '500', mH: '348.0', kb: '114 KB', notes: 'For model 515F, General Electric Co. (GE); Bridgeport CT, Syracuse NY', title: 'General Electric Co. 515F from Hendrik van Hooijdonk (1)', ite: '1'}{gbW: '933', gbH: '596', mW: '500', mH: '319.0', kb: '81 KB', notes: 'For model 515F, General Electric Co. (GE); Bridgeport CT, Syracuse NY', title: 'General Electric Co. 515F from Yanis Syllignakis (1)', ite: '1'}{gbW: '933', gbH: '634', mW: '500', mH: '339.0', kb: '78 KB', notes: 'For model 515F, General Electric Co. (GE); Bridgeport CT, Syracuse NY', title: 'General Electric Co. 515F from Jose Casas-Avalos (1)', ite: '1'}{gbW: '933', gbH: '586', mW: '500', mH: '314.0', kb: '50 KB', notes: 'For model 515F, General Electric Co. (GE); Bridgeport CT, Syracuse NY:[br]Ebay Nr. 180008043301 Bild bearbeitet.', title: 'General Electric Co. 515F uploaded by Hinrich Grensemann † 15.5.16 (2)', ite: '2'}{gbW: '500', gbH: '351', mW: '500', mH: '351', kb: '59 KB', notes: 'For model 515F, General Electric Co. (GE); Bridgeport CT, Syracuse NY:[br]Copy gen. von Lynn Toppo Radio Attic', title: 'General Electric Co. 515F uploaded by Hans Amberger (2)', ite: '2'}{gbW: '600', gbH: '442', mW: '500', mH: '368.0', kb: '43 KB', notes: 'For model 515F, General Electric Co. (GE); Bridgeport CT, Syracuse NY:[br]Sams Photofact Folders reference picture.', title: 'General Electric Co. 515F uploaded by Egon Penker (2)', ite: '2'}{gbW: '933', gbH: '523', mW: '500', mH: '280.0', kb: '75 KB', notes: 'For model 515F, General Electric Co. (GE); Bridgeport CT, Syracuse NY', title: 'General Electric Co. 515F from Jose Casas-Avalos (1)', ite: '1'}{gbW: '604', gbH: '933', mW: '242.0', mH: '375', kb: '73 KB', notes: 'For model 515F, General Electric Co. (GE); Bridgeport CT, Syracuse NY', title: 'General Electric Co. 515F from Jose Casas-Avalos (1)', ite: '1'}{gbW: '933', gbH: '483', mW: '500', mH: '258.0', kb: '100 KB', notes: 'For model 515F, General Electric Co. (GE); Bridgeport CT, Syracuse NY', title: 'General Electric Co. 515F from Jose Casas-Avalos (1)', ite: '1'}{gbW: '1400', gbH: '1045', mW: '500', mH: '373.0', kb: '133 KB', notes: 'For model 515F, General Electric Co. (GE); Bridgeport CT, Syracuse NY:[br]I repaied this radio by replacing the capacitors and replacing the silver mica capacitors in the IF cans. I aligned the radio. It is a nice one.', title: 'General Electric Co. 515F from Wesley Hoy (1)', ite: '1'}
General Electric Co.: 515F [Radio] ID = 2298803 1400x976
Select picture or schematic to display from thumbnails on the right and click for download.
For model 515F, General Electric Co. (GE); Bridgeport CT, Syracuse NY
Country: | United States of America (USA) |
| Manufacturer / Brand: | General Electric Co. (GE); Bridgeport CT, Syracuse NY |
Musaphonic |
Year: 1951 | Category: Broadcast Receiver - or past WW2 Tuner |
Valves / Tubes | 5: 12BE612BA612AV650C535W4 |
Main principle | Superheterodyne (common); ZF/IF 455 kHz; 2 AF stage(s) |
Tuned circuits | 6 AM circuit(s) |
Wave bands | Broadcast only (MW). |
Details |
Power type and voltage | Alternating Current supply (AC) / 105 - 120 Volt |
Loudspeaker | Permanent Magnet Dynamic (PDyn) Loudspeaker (moving coil) / Ø 4 inch = 10.2 cm |
Power out | 1 W (unknown quality) |
from | Model: 515F - General Electric Co. GE; |
Material | Plastics (no bakelite or catalin) |
Shape | Tablemodel with Clock ((Alarm-) Clock Radio). |
Dimensions (WHD) | 11.9 x 6.2 x 4.3 inch / 302 x 157 x 109 mm |
Notes | Color=Brown Mottle. |
External source of data | Ernst Erb |
Source of data | Collector's Guide to Antique Radios 4. Edition |
Circuit diagram reference | Beitman Radio Diagrams Vol. 11, 1951 |
Mentioned in | The Radio Collector's Directory and Price Guide 1921 - 1965 (Rider's Perpetual, Volume 22) |
Literature/Schematics (1) | Photofact Folder, Howard W. SAMS (Date 9-51, Set 143, Folder 7) |
All listed radios etc. from General Electric Co. (GE); Bridgeport CT, Syracuse NY
Here you find 2762 models, 1930 with images and 1954 with schematics for wireless sets etc. In French: TSF for Télégraphie sans fil.
General Electric Co.: 515F
Hits: 893 Replies: 6 general-el: motorboating noise |
Steve Varadi 08.Apr.20 | 1 Anybody experiencing motorboat noise during alignment proceeding on this Radio: GE 515F? Let me know what did you do to eliminate it. Thanks: Steve |
Dietmar Rudolph 08.Apr.20 | 2 In most cases, motorboading occurs, if the electrolyt capacitors of the B+ voltage have lost their capacity. In this model this is a dual elyt C23A & C23B, both should have 50μF. Try to solder an elyt of 47μF in parallel to C23A, and probably another in parallel to C23B. If motorboating stops, you were sure to replace C23A&B. Good luck, Dietmar |
Steve Varadi 08.Apr.20 | 3 Hi Dietmar, I check both electrolyte (C23A, C23B) show 54.7uF, because I recap the whole system before I try to do alignment on it. Even I 'cuered' the SMD (Silver Mica Desease) as you can see in the picture. I do not see any other electrolyte cap in this Radio. If you have another tip it would highly appreciated. Steve |
Dietmar Rudolph 08.Apr.20 | 4 Hi Steve, when recapping, often mistakes occur when the numbers on the capacitors were mis interpreted. One capacitor is critical in this sense, namely C20 (5nF). Please check its value. If C20 has to big a capacity, motorboading is very probable. This is also true for C17, which should have 2 nF. Regards, Dietmar |
Steve Varadi 08.Apr.20 | 5 Regarding C17 and C20 they are together with C19 and C26 in one unit CERAMIC caps. I did not bother them (yet!) Now I just check C17 2.87 nF (should be 2 nF) C20 6.49 nF (instead of 5 nF) Do you think they are too high in value and worthed to replacing? I think I do not have at Home ceramic caps in those value. I want to tell you the whole story about motorboating: I followed the alignment chart, step one was ok, but when I want to do step two I get the motorboating when give the 455 kHz from my SG-8. Before I start alignment I can get two (only 2) local Station fairly clear with good volume without any motorboating noise. I hear this noise ONLY when I want to do alignment. This will help to solve the motorboating noise? Thanks: Steve |
Dietmar Rudolph 09.Apr.20 | 6 What you are describing looks like a feedback between the generator and the radio. Please try to operate the radio via an isolating transformer. Do you use a probe tip to inject the intermediate frequency? Else you may inject in the way shown in the graphics. The ceramic capacitors look pretty o.k. Now I think, there will be no problem with them. Regards, Dietmar |
Steve Varadi 12.Apr.20 | 7 Thank you very much for your illustration. I never put my wire loop in the cardboard, however this is a very clever idea. BTW mine loop (only in the Air without suppor by anything) is working well also. Finally I finished the Alignment and I'm satisfied with it. Here you can see and hear (33 sec.) Thanks again. Steve |
General Electric Co.: 515F
End of forum contributions about this model
rmXorgGeneral Electric Factory Schematics 1946 - 1965
| General Electric Factory Schematics 1946 - 1965 These are General Electric (U.S.A) schematics with parts lists for GE radio models manufactured in the U.S. between 1946 and 1965. These files contain the schematic and parts list published by General Electric for service technicians. They are scanned in high resolution directly from the original GE Factory Radio Service Guides. Sample If your model or chassis is not listed below, full GE radio service manuals can be found for most 1930 through 1950s GE models here.For basic schematics for General Electric models not listed below you can also check the Basic Schematics section.If you still can't find your model or chassis contact me for availability. It normally takes up to 24 hours to receive the download instructions via email but please allow 1 - 2 business days.
General Electric Factory Schematics 1946 -1961 Download Copy Only $7.50
GE Factory Schematics - Models/Chassis Available:
100 101 102 102W 103 105 106 107 107W 110 111 113 114 114W 115 115W 118 119M 119W 123 124 125 129 131 135 136 140 141 143 145 150 160 165 180 200 201 202 203 205 210 211 212 218 219 220 221 226 250 254 260 280 303 304 321 324 326 327 328 329 330 354 355 356 357 358 376 377 378 400 401 402 404 405 408 409 41 410 411 412 412F 414 414F 415 415F 416 416F 417 417A 419 42 422 423 424 425 427 428 429 43 430 431 431A 431B 431C 432 432A 432B 432C 433B 433C 436 44 440 442 443 444 446 447 448 45 450 451 452 453 455A 455S 456 456S 457 457S 465 466 467 470 471 472 475 476 477 480 50 500 501 502 505 506 507 508 509 50W 50WR 510F 511F 512F 513F 514 515 515F 516 516F 517 517F 518 518F 521 521F 522 522F 530 535 542 543 546 547 548 549 551 552 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 564 565 566 572 573 574 575 577 578
| 590 60 600 601 603 604 605 606 607 608 610 611 612 613 614 615 62 620 621 622 625 626 630 631 632 635 636 637 64 640 641 645 646 647 648 65 650 66 660 661 665 666 667 67 670 671 672 673 675 676 677 678 680 681 682 740 741 752 753 754 755 756 757 850 860 861 862 870 871 875 876 877 895 900 900D 902 902D 903 903D 905 906 907 911 911D 912 912D 913 913D 914D 915 916 920 921 930 935 936 940 941 942 955 956 C1510A C1515A C399 C400A C401A C402A C403A C403B C403C C403D C403G C404B C405A C405B C405D C406A C406B C407C C407D C409B C409E C410A C411A C415A C415C C416A C416C C417A C417C C420A C421A C421B C421C C422B C422C C425A C426A C427A C430A C431A C432A C433B C433C C434B C434C C435A C436A C436B C436C C437A C437B C438B C440A C441A C445A C446A C450A C450B C451A C451B C452A C452B C460A C465A C465B C465C C466A C466B C466C C467A C467B C467C C470A C470B C471B C480A C480B C481A C481B C482A C482B C485A C490A C491A C495A C496A C497A C498A C500A C501A C501B
| C503A C503B C505A C505B C505C C506A C506B C510A C510B C516A C517A C520A C520B C520D C525A C530A C535A C540A C540B C540C C541A C541B C541C C545A C545B C545E C546A C546B C547A C547B C550A C550B C550D C551A C551B C551D C555A C565A C565B C566A C566B C580A C585A C586A C590B C595A C600A C937A C937B CT455A P15A CHARGER P1800A P1801A P1802A P1815A P1820A P671A P671B P672A P672B P673A P673B P674B P700 P701 P710A P710B P710C P711A P711B P711C P715 P715B P715C CHARGER P715D P716 P716B P716D P720 P720B P721 P721B P725A P725B P726A P726B P730A P735A P736A P740A P745A P745B P746A P746B P750A P755A P760A P761A P765A P765B P766A P766B P770A P771A P776A P776B P777A P780A P780B P780D P780E P780F P780G P780H P785A P786A P787A P790A P790B P791A P791B P795A P795B P795C P795D P795E P796A P796B P796C P796D P797A P797B P797C P797D P798C P798D P800A P805A P806A P807A P807B P807C P807D P807G P807H P807I P807J P807S P807T P808 P808A P808B P808C P808D P808G P808H P808J P808S P808T P809B P809C P809E P810A P811A P815A P816A P820A P820C P821A P821C P822A P822C P825A P826A P830A P830C P830E P831A P831C P831E P835A P840A P840B P845A P850B P850C P850D P850E P851C P851D P851E P8522A P8523A P852A P853A
| P855A P856A P860A P860B P860D P860E P860F P865A P871A P875A P880A P880B P881A P881B P885A P885B P885D P891A P895A-M P9001A P9011A P9051A P905A P910A P910AA P910A-M P911A P911AA P911A-M P912A-M P913A-M P914AA P9151A-D P915A-D P9161A-D P916A-D P9171A-D P917A-D P920A P925A P925B P926B P930A P940A P940B P940C P943A P943B P943C P945A P945B P946B P950A P955A P955C P960A P965A P968A P970A P970B P970F P975A P975B P975C P990A P990B P995A P996A T1000B T1000C T1001C T1001D T1005A T1006A T1007A T100A T101A T1020A T1025A T102A T103A T104A T105A T106A T106B T106C T107B T110A T115A T116A T1200A T1205A T1206A T120A T120B T1210A T125A T125B T125C T126A T126B T126C T127A T127B T127C T127E T128B T128C T129B T129C T129E T130A T130B T131A T131B T132A T132B T135A T140A T140B T141A T141D T142A T142D T143A T143D T145A T146A T1500A T150A T150B T151A T151B T155A T155B T156A T157A T158A T159A T160A T165A T166A T170A T170B T171A T171B T180A T185A T186A T190A T191A T195C T195D T2000A T2001A T2002A T200A T201A T202A T210A T210B T215A T216A T225A T230A T230B T230C T235A T236A T237A T237B T238A T238B T239A T239B T240A T245A T246A T250A T255A T256A T260A T265A T265B T266A T266B T270A T280A T285A T290A T295A T3000A W300A Intercom W300B Intercom W300R Intercom W305A Intercom
| For GE Service Manuals see the GE Service Manual section. For more GE schematics see the Basic Schematics section.
Ge Clock Radio Manual 7-4837b
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The files offered here are digitized in high resolution from the original factory service documents. I stock over 500,000 schematics for hundreds of manufacturers. Each radio schematic is digitized individually and checked to provide the clearest diagram possible from the original printing.
The data and files offered here are from vintage sources that are no longer published. There is no guarantee of the accuracy of any information offered. It is solely up to the end user to decide that the information and files offered here are accurate and fit for use with their equipment. I am not responsible for any loss or damages that may be incurred from the use of this information.